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School number: (334) 361-6400
Week of 9/30-10/4
We have an awesome week ahead!! We will finish reading Anne of Green Gables with chapters 34-38 this week! We will reach a plot twist and climax this week! Stay tuned! I hope you have enjoyed reading this book as much as I've enjoyed sharing it with you! We will finally get to watch the movie next week! We are continuing unit 2 this week with Possessive Nouns, Latin Roots, & Main Idea. We also have music this week! I'm looking forward to a fantastic week of school!!
Love, Mrs. Thrash :)
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**AR goal ends Oct. 10th! Try to get at least 10 points by then!
Reading- Skill: Main Idea; Begin reading Ch. 34 of Anne of Green Gables; notes, discussion, & sticky notes; Reading packet sent home (due Thurs.)
English- Skill: Possessive Nouns; HW front/back wksht. sent home
Spelling- Skill: Latin Roots; review definitions and sort words by their Latin root
SpellingCity link: Click here for spelling practice tests/games
Reading- Continue reading Ch. 35 of Anne of GG; notes, discussion, & sticky notes
English- Review possessive nouns; HW front/back wksht. sent home
Spelling- Review Latin roots
Music (both classes)
Reading- Continue reading Anne of GG- Ch. 36-37; notes, discussion, & sticky notes
English- Review possessive nouns
Spelling- Review Latin roots
Reading- Finish reading Anne of GG- Ch. 38 (final chapter); notes, discussion, & sticky notes
English- Review for test tomorrow
Spelling- Review for test tomorrow
Reading- Skills TEST 2.2
English- Possessive Nouns TEST
Spelling- Latin Roots TEST
**Looking ahead to next week: 10/7-10/11: Anne of GG Jeopardy, organize novel packets (10/7), Anne of GG final novel test & Beach Bucks store (10/8), Anne of GG Movie Day(s) (10/9-10/10), and a 1/2 day on 10/11. Friday, Oct. 11th is also the last day of the 1st nine weeks. We have the following Monday, 10/14, off for Columbus Day.